Foodstuffs Own Brands

Foodstuffs Own Brands Limited is a national organisation responsible for managing own brand products across both Foodstuffs North Island and Foodstuffs South Island regions. We’re passionate about developing customer-led products for every New Zealander and develop and procure Foodstuffs’ private label offering under its brands Pams, Pams Value and Pams Finest.

Private Label Products

Supply arrangements for the procurement and development of own brand products are managed nationally, with most lines periodically tendered. If you are interested in becoming an Own Brands supply partner, please reach out to with any key specifics.

FSNI List Price Change

We have updated our price change process to make it more efficient so we can work together to deliver the best prices to our customers. We will also comply with the Grocery Supply Code in relation to any list price increase that may come through.

FSNI List Price Change

With the significant volume of list price changes coming through, we’ve updated our price change process to make it more efficient so we can work together to deliver the best prices to our customers.

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