Supplier Change of Ownership (COO)


If your company is going through a change of ownership, you will be required to complete our Change of Ownership (COO) Workflow. 

This process covers Stock suppliers (does not cover Non-stock or Fresh suppliers in FSNI) requires specific documentation to be submitted and may include a new supplier creation.


Normally a new supplier/vendor number is required if there has there been a change in: 



Change in legal entity

Bank account


Trading Name

 GST Number

Legal Name 



 *subject to discretion of FSNI/FSSI Vendor master data team*


How to get started

 To begin the process, you'll need to reach out to both:


When reaching out to our Own Brands liaison please include:

  • An overview of the change of ownership
  • If new supplier setup is required (FSNI and/or FSSI)
  • Supplier number of current supplier account 
  • Supplier number of "new" supplier account (if applicable) 
  • Effective date - must be a Monday and min. 6 weeks out (with existing supplier account)
    • Effective date will be confirmed from date of confirmation of new supplier account creation

After your initial conversation, you'll be asked to provide the following documentation: 

  • FOBL SPA/List Pricing – list of all articles that will be transferring and list pricing (whether staying current or changing).
    • If there will be articles that will remain with initial supplier, this will need to be indicated
    • If supplier account will be closing, please include all existing articles in submitted list. 
    • You'll also need to advise if there will be any articles that are going to be discontinued
  • Trade Notification Letter - explanation of why COO is occurring/articles are being transferred. Normally on a letterhead and in .pdf format.
  • FSNI/FSSI – identify which region current/new supplier trades with
  • Supplier numbers - current and new account numbers (where applicable)
  • Trade Price List (if applicable)
  • Route to Market (RTM) – (if applicable)
  • If account closing - advise if there is an outstanding balance.


Expected process timelines:

Supplier Requirements / Type


Existing to move to New supplier account setup

(Previous account to close)

4 weeks brief lead time + 6 weeks new supplier setup = approx. 10 weeks

Existing to move to Existing

(Previous account to close)

4 weeks brief lead time + 6 weeks workflow completion = approx. 10 weeks

Existing to move to Existing

(Previous account to remain active)

3 weeks brief lead time + 6 weeks workflow completion = approx. 9 weeks


Process overview:

  • Own Brands builds brief from submitted/above information and sends through to company stakeholders to action new supplier account creation (where required) and/or article transfer to "new" supplier . 
  • Category/Pricing Teams action articles transfers on the confirmed effective date.
  • Once article transfer is complete, Own Brands to send confirmation to supplier and comms are sent to stores to advise. 
  • If there is an outstanding balance, our A/P or A/R team will be in contact to resolve.


FSNI vs FSSI - New Supplier creation

Please consider that there is a separate process for new supplier onboarding in FSSI vs FSNI.

For more information on setting up a new supplier account in either region, please visit this page.


B2B suppliers

If you are a B2B supplier, you may be required to setup/update your EDI connection - which will require additional testing. 

To update your connection, please fill in our B2B form and someone will be in touch with you shortly.